Whether you have finally acknowledged that you have a drug addiction, or a family member or another loved one has confided in you that they are struggling with a drug addiction, the crucial first step is getting help is to seek out a drug rehabilitation program. There are many types of programs available, with the most common ones being inpatient (where an addict is admitted to a hospital-like environment and stays for detoxification and therapy for a period of up to three months) and a combination of inpatient and outpatient (where an addict stays in a hospital-like setting for three to seven days for the initial detoxification process, and then steps down to daily group and individual therapy). There are also 10- and 12-step programs, general daily or weekly therapy groups, and even residential options for addicts who want to live together and work on cleaning up together. But generally, for the majority of drug addicts, an inpatient drug rehab program is going to be the most effective at helping an addict overcome an addiction.
You've no doubt been bombarded with many ads and commercials for drug rehab, and it can be hard to decide which one would be best for you or a loved one. The best drug rehab Twitter is most likely going to encourage you to choose an inpatient facility for treatment, and that is because statistically, addicts who are admitted to an inpatient center, and stay there for the duration of treatment, are the ones who will most likely get clean, and just as importantly, stay clean.
The great thing about an inpatient drug rehabilitation program is that it is both comprehensive and all-inclusive. All aspects of an addiction are treated. Initially the physical issues associated with a drug addiction (mal-nourishment, health and dental problems that may need tending to, the initial withdrawal symptoms that can be hard for even the most strong-willed of addicts to get through, etc.) are tackled, and then many types of emotional support and therapies are executed in order to provide the support and reassurance that an addict needs. Drug addictions affect people physically, emotionally, and mentally, and if there are any other issues at play -- such as chronic pain from a physical disorder, or mental health concerns -- these too can be addressed.
Drug rehab centers work on getting to the root of the issue. While some addicts may be come addicted simply because they tried a particular substance and were quickly hooked, others may have underlying situations and problems -- such as abuse or neglect -- that drove them to drugs for numbing solace. The professional counselors and medical staff at a drug rehab center will help addicts address all areas of concern. And when it comes time for discharge, they aren't simply sent on their way. Instead, they are hooked up with a variety of outpatient support groups that will continue to provide the support and motivation to stay clean that all addicts need in order to keep their newly found drug-free lives.
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